The Hello Bar is a simple web toolbar that engages users and communicates a call to action. A Busy Girl's Bucket List:'s cosmic

Saturday, April 16, 2011's cosmic

 I managed to get another check off of my "busy girl's bucket list" last night with FINALLY making it to go cosmic bowling in the middle of the night.

When the idea was mentioned to a group of my friends, I received responses like the one I got from my lame friend Julie, which was, "I would love to go glow bowling... if I was in seventh grade."

I, on the other hand, thought it was brilliant and I took her pessimism as a challenge. In the words of How I Met Your Mother's Barney Stinson, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Mine's the top score :)

I started with getting turned down by one friend and ended up with a bunch of my friends getting beer and meeting at the bowling alley! It was a blast, and not only because I kicked ass against competitive guys, but because it was different... and cheap. 

Instead of a check, I'll give this one a STRIKE!!! Or five in my case J (just saying)


  1. I went bowling a few weeks ago for the first time since I was little, I agree it was soo much fun! Way to go on kicking the boys butts!

  2. "I would love to go glow bowling... if I was in seventh grade." HAHAHAHAHAHA#!@$!@# That's so damn funny. I've got two daughters that are 10 and 12 and I've been taking them cosmic bowling for years. They love it (and so do I!)

  3. I'm pretty sure you beat my top score by like awful at bowling.
